Styling shelves is one of my favorite ways to add some visual interest and dimension to a room. This can really set the vibe for the space and is a great way to share some of your favorite items. It’s also the easiest place to change out items as your taste changes, and an easy place to pop in new pieces as holiday décor starts coming out. I received a few questions on shelf decor after a picture posted on social media and thought it would be a fun thing to delve into since most of us have a bookshelf or two throughout our homes. Honestly, decorating a room is so relaxing for me and when I get my hands on a shelf it’s like a puzzle that needs solved! I have a few tips I have found help keep bookcases and wall shelves looking balanced and uncluttered. I would like to share them with you in hopes that I hope encourage you to clear those catch-all’s and share your personality through your décor.
1. Don’t be afraid to use items that normally wouldn’t go on a shelf! I love to add little unexpected pieces on shelves other than your typical plant, vase, and books (which I still use but with more). Some ideas of my favorite pieces to use on shelves are: wooden trays, woven baskets, old cutting boards, small canvases, metal signs, metal letters, carved words, large stones or shells, globes, vinyl records, small tree limbs, glass jars filled with smaller items, sculptural pieces, and the list goes on. Many of these items may already be in your home just not grouped together. Always start by looking at what you already have and think about how to display these items in a different way. Think outside the box and add something unusual to your décor that might surprise you.
2. Use the High-Low rule. The high-low rule refers to the size and height of items I use across the shelf. Of course, this depends on the length of your shelves and the number of items that you can fit. Generally, I like to start by anchoring the ends of the shelf with a taller item like a vase or plant and in the middle, I will use a shorter item like stacked books or basket. This helps lead your eye across the shelf and creates balance. I will change this up a bit and vary heights as I work on putting items on the rest of the shelves just so they all don’t look the same all the way down. Always stand back and view from across the room after you get items set to see how it feels to you.

3. Leave plenty of room between bigger items and don’t overstuff the shelves. My rule of thumb is to try to keep around 10-12 inches between bigger items on the shelf and don’t do more than 2-4 larger pieces on each. Smaller items like books and small decorations can be placed throughout near the larger items in groupings to add layers.
4. Create groupings of items in varying sizes to add some depth and visual interest. Items don’t have to be alike be grouped together on a shelf, for instance putting a globe layered behind a basket of limes! Pull together items with different colors and textures and heights to add more visual interest.
5. Mix different shapes, pop colors, textures and materials on the shelf. This is another reason why I say think outside of the box on items to display. Put simply, it just keeps it from being boring! If you have a set of items that are the same shape and color, try to separate them and place them on different shelves. I also try to have at least one “pop” color or a fun textured element on each shelf that catches your eye as well.
6. Make sure the items on the shelf make sense for the space and go with your theme or décor style that you are going for. You want the overall look to be cohesive with the rest of the space and all the pieces to mesh. We have a loft space that we wanted to have a travel/transportation theme, so we added lots of car memorabilia mixed with globes and travel themed items we already had to decorate some fun areas.
7. Showcase items you love- a jar of sand from your favorite beach trip, an old license plate from your first car, a glass pitcher from your grandma, or a picture your child drew. Whatever the item, it’s important to display that you love to look at and reminds you of a happy time. Don’t stuff it in a cabinet! Sure, it’s nice to have a ‘designer-looking’ shelf, but let’s get real- you’re going to have to be the one looking at it every day. Personal touches make all the difference.
Great article Jaimie! One thing that always helps me when I am arranging a shelf is to take pictures as I go along. Somehow that helps me focus a little better and really see if I have it balanced or not.
Thanks so much! Yes-I love your tip! Thank you for sharing, this is such a good idea too when things start getting moved around during holiday decorating to reference back on!